
Showing posts from December, 2016

Are your tampons toxic?

Did you know, the average woman will use approximately 16,800 tampons/ sanitary pads in her life time? That's a lot of sanitary products! Ever wondered whats in them? Yeah I hadn't either, not for a long time. Not till I started to think about TSS - Toxic Shock Syndrome. All tampons come with the TSS label warning. Toxic Shock Syndrome  is a rare but serious medical condition that is caused when the bacteria, Staphylococcus Aureus gets into your bloodstream. It has been linked to the use of  tampons. Please take the time to read this heartbreaking story  HERE , it really makes you think about TSS. So in the very short of it, yes tampons have the potential to be very toxic to our bodies.  So whats in these bad boys? According to The Applicator is usually made of tightly wound cardboard or plastic with pigments of colour The Absorbent core is usually made of cotton or rayon  The thin fabric around the absorbent core is usually made of rayon & polyester or  polyeth

flushed away

did you know that water companies across England & Wales are getting hundreds of calls a day about sewage blockages!?! one of the main culprits..." flushable wet wipes " wet wipes have been around for decades. we use them to remove make-up, wipe our babies bottoms, wipe our bottoms & clean the house. there are so many forms of wet wipe on the market & many of them have been found to be made up of three quarters polyester, which makes them extremely tough. in the last few years 'flushable' bum wipes have been pushed by brands such as Andrex to the consumer. yes they do a fab job at cleaning your botty, but are in no way flushable. during the testing stage, yes after minutes & minutes of being sloshed back and forth they do eventually break down, but this is not a true representation of what happens in your toilet at home. you flush your toilet, there is a little swirl or gush of water to push everything down & that is it! so thanks to many of us usi